TigerAir is having a $1 flights sale. You must book a normal domestic outbound fare, and then your return fare is $1. For travel between 3/May and 22/June. Return flight must be on a Tuesday or Wednesday.
Start Searching for $1 Domestic Flights
Routes we have found $1 return flights on:
- Melbourne to Hobart
- Melbourne to Adelaide
- Melbourne to Sydney
- Melbourne to Gold Coast
- Melbourne to Brisbane
- Melbourne to Cairns
- Melbourne to Perth
- Sydney to Gold Coast
- Sydney to Adelaide
- Sydney to Brisbane
- Sydney to Melbourne
- Sydney to Cairns
- Sydney to Perth
- Brisbane to Adelaide
- Brisbane to Melbourne
- Brisbane to Cairns
- Brisbane to Perth
- Brisbane to Sydney
- Adelaide to Melbourne
- Adelaide to Perth
- Adelaide to Sydney
- Perth to Melbourne
- Perth to Sydney
- Gold Coast to Melbourne
- Gold Coast to Sydney
- Hobart to Melbourne